Gynaecologist consultations should be no exception when taking women‘s health in to consideration. It is not only delicate stages of a woman‘s life when attentive to gynaecological care, but it is also an important preventive check.
Each case is individual, therefore our specialists will take their time to hear out the patients with care and discretion, so that you will feel safe and comfortable sharing all of the issues worrying you.
At City Clinic our gynaecologist performs:
Preventative check:
Every woman should get herself checked at least once a year, to make sure she is healthy or that gynaecological dysfunctions can be diagnosed in the early stages. Preventive examination helps to detect early signs of such diseases like cervical or breast cancer, diagnose various infections or inflammation timely, or even to aid with pregnancy preparation or menopause properly. During the consultation methods of contraception can be discussed as well as other questions regarding female health and life quality improvement.
Consultations on fertility and pregnancy care:
Whether you are planning a pregnancy or already pregnant, this period of life requires attentive care of obstetrician – gynaecologist. Specialist will provide recommendations on healthcare helping you to prepare your organism for pregnancy, diagnose the early stages of it and perform the follow up care later on. In some cases, when a couple is struggling to conceive, tests and consultation on fertility and genetic dysfunctions may be performed.
Diagnostics of various gynaecological diseases:
Women should pay a visit to a gynecologist whenever worried and unusual symptoms are noticed. Whether it be irregular menstruations, bleeding between periods, abnormal vaginal discharge or unexplained abdominal pain – all previous symptoms could signify infections or other diseases that need to be treated right away in order to avoid severe consequences. Untreated gynaecological dysfunctions might become an obstacle for pregnancy or even lead to infertility.
Instrumental and laboratory tests:
During the preventive check or consultation caused by noticed symptoms, the gynaecologist will perform an ultrasound examination which allows to evaluate the state of inner genitals, position of uterus, diagnose early stages of pregnancy, notice various discharges or test for chromosomal abnormalities. If necessary, the doctor will run blood, urine or hormones tests and may also take a cervical smear to identify what is causing unusual symptoms in order to set an appropriate treatment plan.
Our Doctors
Laboratory tests
Price List
Service | Price |
Gynaecologist Initial Consultation (Ultrasound Scan Not Included) | €100 |
Follow-up Consultation (Ultrasound Scan not included) | €70 |
Ultrasound Scan | €90 |
Breast ultrasound scan and consultation | N/A |
Cervical Smear Test (PAP) | €90 |
HPV Typing | €100 |
Swab Test | €40 |
Fertility Consultation (Ultrasound Scan Not Included) | €100 |
Visit summary letter | €60 |
Prescription | €30 |