Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry And White Composite Filling Aesthetic filling and cosmetic dentistry should give the grace and comfort of natural teeth – healthy, functional, beautiful and long lasting. The treatment – include tooth lightening, composite restorations, white composite filling – look natural, clean and will keep your smile looking beautiful. White fillings are incredibly strong. They are long…

Dental Fillings

Procedure First, local anaesthesia is used to numb the area. The decayed or damaged area of your tooth will be gently removed and replaced with filling material. Care is taken to remove as little of the tooth structure as possible while providing good bond for the filling material. The tooth will then be polished and…

Aesthetic Dental Filling

Aesthetic dental filling A beautiful, even white smile is what we all wish for. Modern dentistry focuses on the aesthetic enhancement of a smile and offers a wide range of options to improve it without the need for complicated surgical procedures. One of the simplest procedures in aesthetic dentistry is teeth whitening, but in the…

Teeth Whitening

How White Can You Go? A Matter of Aesthetics Teeth whitening results are subjective, varying considerably from person to person. Many are immediately delighted with their outcome, while others may be disappointed. Before you embark on any whitening treatment, ask your dentist for a realistic idea of the results you are likely to achieve and…